Attention Men looking to step into their power! This FREE 2-Hour Exclusive Webinar Reveals…

How To Re-Ignite Your Flame For LIFE & Build A Fire So Bright That Everyone In The World Sees You SHINE!

Without burning your friends and family in the process!

Date: Sep 20th, 2023 | Time: 7:00-9:00 PM Europe/Amsterdam

Join us for this LIVE Webinar…

And learn how you can be guided by your own Inner Flame, your Radiance

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In This FREE Webinar…

You Will Learn...

Remember, you can and I’ll show you exactly how to do it in this Webinar.

Who This Webinar Is Really For

This is For YOU if…

  • If YOU are sick of saying YES to everyone else, and want to start saying YES TO YOU!
  • If you want to live a LIFE that is driven by your INNER TRUTH, and make choices that bring Enrichment and ALIVENESS!
  • If YOU want to learn how to cultivate this inner flame and connect to a beloved, creating a passionate fire between you then you have come to the right place.

This is NOT For YOU if..

  • If YOU are comfortable with where you are in life and want to RIDE IT OUT!
  • If YOU don't want to participate in your own rescue, and you just want to be SAVED!
  • If YOU want to keep saying yes, to the things you DON'T WANT!

If you’re ready to take things to the next level and learn how you can be guided by your own Inner Flame, your Radiance, then you get to be in this FREE Webinar!

An Important Message From Your Instructor, Jason Bart...

I'm Taking Years Of Experience & Giving You My Exact Blueprint ToRe-Ignite Your Flame For LIFE & Build A Fire So Bright That Everyone In The World Sees You SHINE!

"12 years ago, after separating from an 11 year marriage, I went on a quest to find my Inner Flame. What I found was some glowing embers buried in the ashes. My fire had literally, almost gone out and I was not OK with this anymore. So I started looking at what fed my fire and what extinguished it. Today my fire burns bright and I live a life filled with passion and purpose"

Hey there,

My name is Jason Bart and I don't say the above to brag, but to show you that I've been where you are my friend.

I know what it feels like to not be able to be alive in your full Magnificence and make a positive impact on the world.…

And after years of dealing with that…

I figured out the secret that changed everything for me…

To the point that today…

✅ I am living a life of full expression, through being of service.…

✅ I am empowering the people around me to step into their power, the sign of a true leader…

✅ I have generated deeper and more meaningful relationships, with my children, my family and my beloved…

And I’m inviting YOU and a group of amazing people to join me in this FREE 2-Hour Webinar to learn exactly how I got here…

And how YOU can too!

Jason Bart

Jason lives to break free from the confines of conditioning, knowing that these are his own, and pursues his dreams of building Sovereignty in the Individual and the Community . As the father of 2 adult daughters, emotional intelligence & maturity around sexuality and personal empowerment has been a focus.

Under "Alchemy of Love" Jason is a Transformational Coach, International Facilitator and Speaker.  Jason recognises the danger of being trapped in the pursuit of external conditions for fulfillment, he instead listens to his heart's calling to embark on the thrilling adventure of Life, and helps others to do the same.

Jason is here to share the vision of what is possible when we embrace our full Magnificence within.

Testimonials From Men looking to step into their power Just Like YOU ...

Hear What They Have To Say

“I’ve just come out of the final session of this 7 week journey with Jason Bart and my inner flame has never been stronger. I am blessed already by his friendship, and now I have been baptised by his work. highly recommend checking it out and getting in touch with him if your looking for a container of trustworthy men to reawaken your fire.”
Mark Bentley - Gene Keys Ambassador
There are moments in life when the only solution is a deep dive into the inside to meet, embody & express the primal forces in our beings. Jason Bart held space for me in one of these places, the most deep and dark moment of rage that I have experienced in my life. He had my back. He didn’t let up or shy away from the intensity. He was not afraid. I’ve explored emotional release & primal therapy for over thirty years. I know how to express my feelings. I know how to heal trauma rooted in my psyche & stored in my body. However sometimes there are places I just can’t go alone. Where I need support. Practitioners like Jason are few and far between. It’s one thing to be able to hold space for tears, it’s another to be able to hold space for rage, for very few people have actually gone there themselves. Jason is able to hold space for the full spectrum of human experience, and still have a smile on his face at the end of the day. He is a rare gem. An advanced level space holder. A quiet hero & a solid good hearted man. Thanks brother for your support in tricky times.
Si Mullumby - Wild Marmalade
Jason's support is impeccable - from the first moment stepping into his space - you instantly feel safe - his smiling face that greets you and a loving solid hug to follow. You are in great hands! Delivers an easy to follow dialogue with past experiences that marry the lesson at hand. I always enjoy his teachings over the last 4 years, from Tantra Temple Nights to week long Retreats. I have had some memorable moments on my journey and Jason is usually close by. Jason has blossomed into a fabulous teacher and has worked with some of the best - which shows in his space. Journeying with this man has been life changing.
Andrew Webb
To any Men considering this… I highly recommend. Jason is a Man of high integrity & character
Sam Booker
Thank you Jason for holding this space and providing the opportunity and tools for our growth. This beautiful journey with its highs and lows, learning to navigate in the pursuit for balance doesn't have to be done alone, for that I'm so grateful to be here.
David Dear
Jason's gentleness and firm commitment to the enduring connections we form and the Truth that is held in our heart and soul is awe inspiring. His nature is sweetness, his vulnerability is raw, his dedication is unwavering. if you want to feel sweetness again ring jason, if you want to feel connection again ring jason, if you want someone to look into your eyes and see the gentle butterfly who rests there despite all the chaos and heartache that burdens your soul ring Jason. He truly is the truest man.
Pete Shields